A series about Water and Art...
Or how this Element essential to Life inspires artists.
Each SEA ART episode is a dive into the artistic imaginariums linked to the sea, oceans, waters and abysses, inexhaustible sources of inspiration. SEA ART is an invitation to an aquatic sensory journey, a loss of our usual landmarks to immerse ourselves in the mysterious world of the Oceans.
A close-knit team that has known each other for 15 years and for whom each film is an exploration, an immersion and a challenge. Freedom at all costs, even if it means re-inventing the codes of production. "Let's make it blue together" is their motto.
Films, portraits, documentaries and clips: she always seeks to give meaning to her work. In love with the oceans, she films what touches and engages her.
With more than fifty countries visited in the service of image, it specializes in aesthetics of image in advertising, documentaries and films.
Documentary and film editor for 20 years, she enjoys this moment of complicity with the author where she participates in the birth of a work, this magical moment when the imagination becomes reality.
Better known by his stage name, Sinclair, he is also a film music composer, passionate about the sea and ecology.
A very beautiful report on the birth and behind the scenes of the SEA ART series signed Olivia Schaller on behalf of Télématin, on France2.